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Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Walk with Dad

I was walking through the white sand today.
I looked up. The sky so blue.

I can feel the air. The wave.
I looked at the skies. And I smiled.
I feel so different.

I walked slowly and I can feel the water. It was so cold. The birds were flying everywhere.
I picked up the sea-shell and draw my name.

Are you so scared people will hate you?. Dad was asking me.

I no need to please anyone dad. I realized that I don't have to be good to everyone just to make them stay.

You can call me whatever. I say what I want to say. It doesn't matter if they choose to leave.

Do you feel insecure?

Not anymore dad. Life is all about fighting to the very end. Not everybody is the same. Some people live by lies just to make people stay. I don't need that dad. Lies don't impress me much. It is easy to tell.

As we walked along the beach. I catch a glimpse of his look.
I took his hands and I hold them tight.

You know dad, when people saw us like this they might probably think I am your mistress.
My dad gives me that laughed. Really?.

I smiled. I don't know. Maybe. Do you care about what other people think dad?
Because I don't. I know myself very well dad. I know what I want in life.

I stopped.

Dad why do people lie?


  1. Reminds me and my. How we have this close relationships between daughter and father. Anyways, I just stopping by! Looking forward for the next post! :)

  2. Hi Dale Imelda,thank you for stopping by.It feel good to have a very close bonding with ur parents right?



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