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Sunday 24 February 2013

Project 365 : Day 2

Because I have a story to tell. This is me when I was a little. See I told you, I laughed a lot.

This is me when I was a kid. When time much simpler than now. I grew up in a very happy life and things go according to my way because I don't have people to beat with. Sometime I'do feel lonely but I am happy most of the time especially when it comes family day. I fall in love to dad like a million time as he good in telling stories and I have to admit mom is the best woman in the world. I like it when she cooks and start to talk about how she met dad.

When I was a kid, I  looked at the skies a lot. Since we lived in a private land, I've got the chance to look at the skies every day. Unlikely now, the job requirement makes us forget who we really are back then. I remembered back then, I used to sleep next to the window so that I can see the sky ( even if it darks ) and the shining stars every night. I guess I've seen a shooting star once and I prayed.

My parents are not like the normal parents. I have to admit that I don't get the chance to see them like everyday. Because their job requirement requires them to travel a lot. And mom was a school teacher back then. It is normal to get posted in rural area. So I lived with my grandfather and grandmother but that makes me a strong independent lady like now. I don't really talk about this. But this will help to explain why I really value a relationship may it friendship or love relationship. And that most probably explain why I am so attached or clingy. But that doesn't make me a bad person, am I? Beside, I like it when my parents are away because I can sleep late and I don't have to study ( or pretend to study ).

This is me now. I am such a talkative person. I laughed a lot and I love to hang out. When I am with someone dear, I will ask a lot of nonsense questions. Sometime I asked a question which I already know the answer. And there are times, I just shoot a question because I love to hear their thought and opinion but maybe sometime, I asked at the wrong time but it has never come to my intention to point a statement.

I am quite a sentimental person. I am not sure how to let this go but I knew that this feeling leads to a very deep feeling either to my own parents, loved ones or friends.

I do sing and I do dance. When I was a kid, I sing and dance a lot. My dad said, singing is one of the way for us to express our feeling to a person or things surround us. And I have to agree on that point. I play guitar, just so you know.

I love writing. I think I am much better at expressing myself through writing. Writing makes me think.
I can even write the whole day like all the draft which I've been keeping so long here.

And I think I am a loving person. A loving person who is crazy with Morizakka Tree, currently.

Project 365 : Day 2 - Done.


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