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Friday 22 March 2013

Day 22 : My Cousin

Woah, I was talking to my boyfriend when my cousin came in. He was looking at me one kind. Not that silly one kind but that "wtf my cousin have a bf now".
I was secretly looking at him when he passed by me and I was like "hey! my cousin is handsome". Laugh Out Loud.

I don't really talk to this cousin but when we were little we used to play together and I used to make him cry. Now that we are big enough we stop talking to each other. It is not that we hate each other but somehow maybe we feel awkward with each other. Laugh Out Loud.

But one thing I like about this cousin is, he waits for me till I get back home when I was out at night. He accompanies me at home when aunty is not around at night because he knows that I am scared to be alone in the house.

There was once when I woke up late in the morning and I rushed to the bathroom for my shower. It was pretty late and it's suppose to be his turn  but because of me he didn't manage to get his shower because it took me almost 30-minutes to finish everything. By the time I finished my shower I saw him leaving his room without a shower. I didn't ask him anything because I am in my towel.  Laugh Out Loud.

My cousin is quite energetic. We both do sports. The only difference is, we don't do it together like how we did when we were small.  We both are talkative. The only thing is we have our own friends now. And that explains why we don't hang out together like we used to before. We both are adventurous but the thing is we treasures our own adventure with our own life partner now.

But deep inside our heart. We do still care for each other because we are FAMILY.

Anyway, I know that my cousin is a rock. Even if he got huge girlfriend.
And I have my great man even if we are 197 miles away to each other but that makes us cool.

Have a blast night.
When life gives you vodka, we add lemon.


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