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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Day 20 : My hair my style

I am born with a straight black hair. But I always wish to have a long curly hair.
When I was a kid, I used to force mom to bring me for a hairdo.
And mommy will say, no you can't perm your hair. That was quite frustrating!!!

So what I did, when we migrated to KL I get my hair done.
It looks good for a week and I looked like so out of the place a week after that.

Then I get my hair straighten. Yes it looks fine but it so plain Jane.
Then I am longing again for a perm korean hair but this time I put some touched up on it.

It looks fine but it makes my hair really dry. Damned it.

Then I chopped my hair off.
Then I saw Rihanna with her cute bob style hair. I thought it would be cool. So I did mine.
Then again, I am longing for a long hair.

And I managed to get my hair long enough. So I permed it again. Hair was a disaster back then. And I was advised to cut it short because it was really really messed up.

Now I am with my short hair for almost a year. I kinda love it.

So how do you like me with my hair short???


  1. Terus nampak muda oo Moi...heheh

  2. terus nampak muda oo moi...;-)

  3. i had my new hair style before Chinese New Year after making consideration that short hair is sexy and hot too.
    You look gorgeous too!

  4. ok bah. paling penting kita selesa ngan rambut/style itu..:)

  5. i miss long hair!! huhuhu

  6. not bad..look 10 years younger kot..hahahha :P i was wondering how u look if u cut ur hair like rihanna did..all the one side slope and short..mesti nmpak tomboy kan??hehehe


  7. I just cut my hair short 2 months ago and now im thinking to re-cut my hair..shorter and pixie I guess..hehhe..btw u look awesome..

  8. Azlan, am not really sure. Well, Rihanna have a very good face structure and she is good with all type of hair style. I guess my face cudnt reli go with tat. Haha

    Wen, hmmm well as long u r cool with it then why harm trying kan?Lol.



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