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Saturday 19 January 2013

Day 20:Favourite Colour

Day 20- Favourite Colour and why.

I don't really have any favourite colour. But if I was asked to choose.
Maybe I go for Blue,Pink and Green.

But I do love Red,Black,White,Maroon,Yellow.

If I was asked to choose for the second time, I would say my favourite colours would be rainbow colours.
They have all the colours there. But I only have to choose one.

For some reason, I don't have any clue why I love all these colours. Do we really have reason? 
Do you have reason why do you fall for some one then?

Sometime, I don't understand why do we have to choose. Should we live by the rules of life?
YES. We all live by rules. We are born to choose our favourite colour in life.

"Never take some one for granted, hold every person close to your heart, because you might wake up one day and realize, that you have lost a diamond, while you were too busy collecting stones."


  1. Saya suka color Pink, blue and Purple...heheh

  2. It'll be difficult for me to pick a fave colour too :) Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Alexa, thks for visiting! My follow icons are all on the right side of my blog. I haven't heard of Masterchef blogger event in S'pore tho'..

  4. i think (think??!!) i love purple and blue. but my wardrobe full of grey?? hahhaha..



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