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Thursday 10 January 2013

How weekend Excite Her

Keep Your Smile

I told myself, hey it is going to be weekend soon.
And you know what excite me much? It is because I can sleep until noon.

I told myself,hey it is going to be weekend soon.
And you know what makes me happy? Yes it is because I can go for a movie. Maybe a movie marathon.

I told myself, hey it is going to be weekend soon.
And you know what makes me jumping high?. It is because I can run for Chatime and drink as many as I can.

But for now.. I am sleepy. Because boss made me stayed in and I have to hear him talking for almost 3-hours. I need God now.

Good night everyone. 


  1. What not to love waking up late on weekends. :P


  2. hi cher,
    how r u?
    sy ingat ko delete blog ko ed..

  3. who doesnt love weekend right? i love the fact that i can stay in bed til noon & not changing my PJs all day. hahaha :p

  4. time sa masi kerja.. wah weekend la yang paling sa mau tunggu2 tp damn selalu ja masa berlaly tau



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