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Monday 28 January 2013

Good Heart

I always have a different view about how life is. At my age now I think I am being adult enough to have my own judgement over things. I remember when I was a kid, I used to listen to people a lot. Because good girls are like that. When I went to college, I do things which I don't like but still keeping my chin up because good girls listen to adult.

I get into my first relationship when I was like 24 years old. It was a long distance relationship and we were 6700 miles away from each other. I was a way bit clingy back then. But it has never come to my intention to put pressure on my ex. Well we both young and we don't know exactly what we both wants in life. It didn't last long but I learn that love doesn't mean anything if you are not willing to make a commitment.

I told myself back then that, I must not only think what I want but knowing what He wants as well.

You know sometime, life is a bit strange. We never knew what is going to happen in the future. We have no clue who we gonna ended up with.I am not sure mine as well but I never stop believing in whatever it takes, good heart leads to good people.

Have a nice day.


  1. Of course one day you will find a guy who will spend the rest of his life growing old with u. The key is to let it happen naturally. Personal exp, it's best waiting for the right person who really deeply madly in love with you to approach you than running around looking for him. Just sharing personal exp, that's all. :-)

    Cheers, Love!
    Enjoy ur week.

  2. Hey Gunazq,

    I am waiting for it. You have a pleasant day.

    P/s how's ur salad?? he he

  3. hey girl!! I agree with Gunaqz's comment. if you & your ex are not meant to be then it's not meant to be. God will let you meet the one that you are waiting for, be it sooner or later he will come. u just have to be a little patient :)

  4. mungkin smpi satu tahap kita akan rasa penat mencari dan mencari tetapi sering gagal.
    mungkin sampai satu masa kita akan berhenti berharap dan pada waktu itulah lelaki yang sememangnya untuk kita akan muncul.

    so intipatinya ialah bersabar. :)
    Thanks lawat n komen blog saya. Saya ok cuma saya berada dalam situasi membuat keputusan dalam perhubungan saya sekarang. Sama ada meneruskan atau mengakhirinya. Ada tempoh yang saya berikan tetapi sedihnya tidak ada yang berlaku dalam tempoh itu seperti yang saya harapkan.

  5. Ha ha guys...thank you for thr comments. I am not rushing and I am done wit my ex. It was actually unfinished story. Lol, i shud finish it before hit the publish button.

    and i have to admit, the good is just yet to come. Lol. Happy Monday all. Hugs!

  6. Hey cher! Sure u'll meet good guy someday.



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