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Friday 18 January 2013

Day 19 : Nickname

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Sometime I wondered why do people have nicknames. 
Maybe that's how they remember each other or maybe it's fun to have a nick name.

Sometime when I think back I got a cool nick name back at home.
I told mom that I have a long weird registered name and a cool nick name. And she just laughed.

So one day, I decided to combined my registered name with my nick name and it turned out so well.
People recognized me quite fast apart from the fact of being Kadazan which already made me sound like a foreigner.

That at least made me quite popular a while - maybe just for a day,lol.

So what is my nickname?. 


  1. nickname? I do have various funny childhood serius lucu.

  2. Interesting topic ! Well..I also have 2 nickname..kampung2 punya my mom used to call me 'sondokoro' aduii... (No idea why..) ..2nd one its 'Val' comes from the full name 'Valeria'..

  3. Beth, samalah byk tul nickname

    Val : lucu oh nickname ko sondokoro...apa tu erti???

  4. am so not good in combining name.. i wish i have one wif my hubby.. hahahah..

  5. Haha no idea..saya pun tida faham tp sound2 funny kan , my other siblings pun ada juga nickname yang aneh2 ahahah



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