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Friday 25 January 2013

Excuse Me,mind your thought.

I can do the same thing over and over again.
I can even listen to the same Gotcha call again and again.
I can even watch the same video over and over again.

Once when I was out with one of my friends they told me that I was crazy. They said, " I am going to vomit blood if you tell me you still keep watching the Alex wassabi Video again."

And yes, I did. I even watched them on the vid this morning. And I even "liked" their page on Facebook.
They are cool and funny.

So my latest obsession is listening to the Gotcha call at Hitz.Fm everyday. Aunty said I am crazy. Aunty was asking why am I keep listening to the same Gotcha call again and again. I said, it was funny!. I even get them recorded on my cellphone. 

You see, I have passion on things or stuffs I like. When I said I like writing, I will keep on writing even if there are people who got confused or whatever sort of things is. I don't give a damned. Because it is me who decide my own story and how it have to be written like. I don't need other people to tell me to what to write  because I am the only one who hold my own stories and for what ever reason is I have my very own reasoning.

Sometimes, I always have the thought that we need to explore more further to keep the brain going to the right direction. Be more flexible. Be more positive. Be more outgoing. Keep the conservative thought aside and blah blah blah.But some people doesn't bring their brain with them sometime.Perhaps they keep their brain inside the bag or leave it somewhere maybe. Or, keep at home for what??. Laugh out loud. They seem like they know what are they talking but for God sake they don't even know anything at all. In Malaysia, we call it,Bodoh Sombong.

And there are some people who put a judge to each other and expect an explaination for stuffs which they don't have the rights to know or deserve to. I don't set the rules here but I just got sick with conservative people. They don't bring their brain bah!. They keep assuming stuffs which exactly not the right thing to do.  This is what we call shallow minded people right?.

Hello people, wake up.

Anyway, my point is conservative people are not cool.

Whatever, I don't give a damn for people like this. What is much important now, you monster get you ass here down in KL!NOW,lol.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. I hate people like (toooo conservative) that too. I agree, they are not cool at all. Too bad I was surrounded by that kind of ppl. *sigh*

    Have a great weekend ahead! :)

  2. well, different people r differ in every aspect of life. some r cool,some r not cool ( conservative ) but most of it, we just have to bear wit it...i think so,lol



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