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Thursday 27 December 2012

Day 06- Favourite book(s)

So here it is,my fav ones.

To be honest, I am not so sure how to finish this 30-days blog challenge. I think I will never going to finish it.
But still, I am working hard on this. So here is my favourite book ever.

The Truth About Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell

The stories are awesome. Imagine when you can't remember anything about your childhood. And the person who you thought your parents isn't the real ones. You have no photo of your childhood and you can't even recall if you have any good friends back then.

When everything so blurred and the only person who can answer your every question has long gone, times will be difficult and complicated.

Well everybody have their own past. It's either the beautiful ones or the bad beautiful memories. You gotta find the truth by yourself.

So this is it,my favourite book ever.


  1. so how is it?it must be fun and interested right?=)

  2. me? never finish the 30 day blog challenge.. ikut suka ja.. :D

  3. Hello eyanz...thanks for dropping by. Yes the book was superb. I hope they can make it to the movie.

    Aki,ha ha sa ni pandai malas malas bah...

  4. never did finish my 30days blog challenge too...tried two times and failed twice and miserably. feels like its more a burden than a thing to enjoy blogging. but good luck to you in completing this challenge :)

  5. cant wait for sophie's new books o..

    I'm a slow reader nowadays..



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