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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Happy Wednesday #2

It's Wednesday the third week of March.

So what I've been reading lately?
I've been reading these two book, quite an old book actually. What about you? Have you been reading?
I just can't wait to do the review soon.

Before Green Gables - Budge Wilson
Room - Emma Donoghue


  1. Hmm,blm ada masa oh pigi cari buku baru cher.Hrp2 dpt p beli next week.

  2. aduii betul2 lama sdh sya tidak membaca ni cher..patutlah english lintang-pukang hehehe...

    happy wednesday! :)

  3. skg sa baca can u keep a secret.he he he he..tapi sa download punya ni..he he

  4. i'm now trying to finish reading The Vow, the book that inspired the romantic movie that has channing tatum n rachel mcadams.. so far, the movie is really different from the book itself.. room by emma donighue really is a good book! :D

  5. I'm currently reading a novel by Lucy Dillon, The Secret of Happy Ever After. A bit slow reading it but so far I like the story. Can't wait to finish actly cos I have more books to read hehe...

  6. what genre?hehe.. macam best seja ni... its been a while since my last book. hahah.

    have a great day girl :)

  7. Arlen,
    wah dun forget to do the review nanti k. I think I am going to quit beli buku sdh..beli2 tidak tahu bila habis baca semua...and Arlen, I miss school.Hope you have a good day at school yah :)


    He he, you should start one. Maybe you can go to the lightest one mcm Can you Keep a secret from Kinsella.

    Oh I love that book so much. My fav pun ada dl few books di android. tapi mcm sakit mata sa baca.I think am just not so used to it.


    I've heard about that book. I should hunt that book soon. It was really fun right to read. I feels like you are part of the story. I am reading Room now and somehow it made me have this mixed feelings inside.


    Hmm, never try Lucy. Siok ka? sa ni kalo beli buku pilih buku yg nice2 cover ja..sot kan..hehe u shud blog abt them soon ar.


    I think it's fiction. Yes, the book are cool. And i forgot, the other book shud be YA genre. Bought them for almost 3years aldy but I never read lagi until now.



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